How much does the average lawyer earn in the United States?


How much does the average lawyer earn in the United States?


The average lawyer's salary in the United States is $150,000. Lawyers work not only for a few major law firms but also for smaller firms and solo practitioners. The numbers often fluctuate greatly from year to year for lawyers because of variations in market demand for their services; however, studies have shown that the average salary increases over time along with the demand for attorneys.

When it comes to lawyers, the headlines tell us that big-time and big bucks are on the horizon. But while these stories are true in some areas of law, the average lawyer is unlikely to be earning a six-figure salary at the beginning of their career. With that in mind, we'll take a look at exactly how much the average lawyer earns in the US.

Average lawyer earnings in the United States

The average lawyer earns a salary of $157,000 per year. This is almost double the national average income, which is $79,000 per year.

The majority of U.S. lawyers work in large cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C., where the cost of living is higher than the national average. This means that lawyers who work in these areas will earn more than those who work in smaller cities like Houston or Phoenix.

However, there are some major differences between salaries for attorneys in small and large cities:

Small city salaries tend to be lower than large city salaries because there are fewer resources available to pay for such things as office space and equipment.

Salaries tend to increase with experience level because most small-city firms don't want to pay more than they need to for new hires with limited experience; if you have a lot of experience on your resume, it's often easier to get hired by a big firm than a small one (who can't afford to hire otherwise).

The average starting salary for lawyers in the United States is $63,000. The median salary is $72,000. The highest-paid lawyer earns over $300,000, while the lowest-paid lawyer earns less than $40,000.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the median salary for lawyers in 2016 was $72,950. The BLS also reports that the national mean annual wage for lawyers and judges was $160,140 as of May 2016.

Average lawyer earnings in the United States

Lawyers with less than five years of experience earn an average salary of $115,000 per year. The highest-paid 10 percent of attorneys in this field earn an average annual salary of $166,000. Lawyers with more than 15 years of experience make an average annual salary of $143,000 per year.

The largest percentage increase in earnings occurs between those who have been practicing for two to five years and those who have been practicing for 10 or more years.

Lawyer earnings by field in the United States

The average lawyer earns $114,114. This is only slightly more than the average salary for other professionals that work in the United States.

Lawyers are a highly paid profession. However, they do not earn as much as other professionals such as doctors, dentists, and computer programmers. The median annual salary for lawyers in 2016 was $115,000 per year. The highest-paid 10% earned more than $234,000 per year, while the lowest-paid 10% earned less than $42,000 per year.

The median salary for lawyers in 2016 was $115,000 per year.

The average annual salary of a lawyer in the United States is $125,000. The top 10% of lawyers earn more than $160,000 per year.

Lawyers' salaries vary widely by type of law firm, location, and experience. Salaries range from $30,000 to over $1 million per year.

The average starting salary for new lawyers is between $45,000 and $50,000 per year, according to the National Association for Law Placement (NALP). The NALP survey also finds that 98% of employers report that they are willing to offer an initial salary up to at least $50,000."

The average U.S. lawyer earned $158,070 in 2010, according to the Lawyer Compensation Survey. The median annual income was $104,060.

The top 10% of earners made more than $300,000 per year; that's more than double the average!

The bottom 10% made less than $50,000 per year.

The highest-paid state was California at $191,230 (median), with Alaska coming in second at $181,520 (median).

The average salary for lawyers in the United States is $100,000. That’s a big number, but it’s not uncommon to hear that lawyers earn $200-$400 per hour. There are many factors that affect how much a lawyer makes, including experience and education levels. The average salary can also be affected by factors such as location, industry, and experience level.

Here are some ways that you can get a better idea of what your salary should be when you start practicing law:

Lawyer Salary by Field

According to the National Association for Law Placement (NALP), the average starting salary for a new law grad entering private practice is $63,000 per year. NALP also reported that new graduates tend to make more money than their older colleagues over time.

When it comes to salaries after graduation, there’s not much difference between different fields within the legal profession — except that those who practice entertainment law earn the most money (about $460 per hour). Those who practice consumer protection law earn less (about $250 per hour).

The best lawyers in the country tend to be at firms like Skadden Arps, which employs more than 1,500 lawyers and had revenues of more than $150 million in 2011. Its partners make anywhere from $450,000 to $1 million a year.

At another top firm — Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP — associates can expect to make about $160,000 a year working 80 hours per week. At other large firms like Kirkland & Ellis LLP and Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, associates can make anywhere from $130,000 to $170,000 annually.

But it's not just about money; it's about prestige as well. Lawyers who work for smaller firms or have less experience will often earn less than their bigger colleagues with bigger companies because they won't have the same level of prestige or name recognition (yet).

Lawyer salaries in different parts of the country in the United States

The average lawyer's salary in the United States is $110,000, according to PayScale. The range of salaries for lawyers varies greatly from state to state. For instance, the highest-paying states in which to work as a lawyer are New York and California, while the lowest-paying states are Mississippi and Louisiana.

The average lawyer's salary in the United States is $164,000 a year, according to the National Association for Law Placement.

That's more than double the average salary of CEOs of public companies and more than three times the average salary of teachers.

But it's not that much more than the average salary for doctors, who make about $162,000 on average.

Having a law degree can be extremely lucrative.

The average annual salary for a lawyer in the United States is $101,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). However, there are some factors that can affect this number.

In addition to the overall salary for lawyers, bonuses and benefits also contribute to their earnings.

These factors include:

Education level: The higher your education level and educational degrees attained, the more money you’ll make as a lawyer. For example, a JD degree from an Ivy League school will earn you more money than an associate’s degree from a community college or trade school.

Experience: Working as a lawyer after graduation can lead to higher earnings as well. Law students who have completed internships or externships while in school tend to earn more than those who have not worked before entering law school.

Location: The cost of living in different cities can also affect how much you earn as a lawyer. The cost of living varies depending on what part of the country you live in and how far away from home your office is located.

The average salary for lawyers in the United States is $112,000 per year. The salary range for an entry-level lawyer is $42,000-$145,000. The average salary for mid-career lawyers at the beginning of their careers is $115,000.

Lawyers with specialized training in a particular field can earn significantly more than the average pay. For example, lawyers specializing in entertainment law make significantly more than lawyers who practice criminal law or civil litigation.

The average lawyer earns $90,000 a year. Many lawyers work in big firms that offer high salaries and benefits. For example, if you are an associate at a large law firm, you could earn anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 or more.

However, if you are a solo practitioner or a freelancer (who works for himself or herself), the salary can be much lower than what you would earn at a large law firm. The average solo practitioner earns about $50,000 per year.

Lawyers who work on a contract basis often have low salaries because they do not have the same benefits as those who work full-time at firms. However, if you want to make money as a lawyer, then it is important that you get your foot in the door with a big firm or one of its clients.

The average full-time lawyer works about 40 hours per week in the United States

The average full-time lawyer works about 40 hours per week in the United States. This is about 30% more than the national average of 35 hours, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

The median weekly salary for lawyers in the United States is $2,000 per week at mid-career. The top 10% of earners bring home an average salary of $145,000 per year. The bottom 10% earn less than $50,000 annually.

Lawyers who work in large firms earn significantly more than solo practitioners or small firms with no more than five attorneys. While these figures show that there is a significant difference between how much lawyers earn by their specialty and the size of the firm, they do not account for geographic location or experience level.


The income of the average lawyer depends on several factors, such as experience and seniority. Many lawyers make well over 100k per year at the top firms, but this can go even higher depending on where you are. While there are no guarantees that a lawyer will make it big, they can still earn a sizable sum in personal injury or contract law on the lower end.

Each state in the US sets its own bar for how much a lawyer needs to earn to be considered a "qualified" lawyer. Those minimum salary requirements vary pretty widely; the state with the lowest average salary for lawyers is New Mexico at $64,000 per year, while D.C. demands the highest minimum salary of $144,850 per year for its lawyers. The national average for lawyers' salaries is $117,760 per year.

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