What field of sociology makes the most money?


When you think about sociology, it can be difficult to imagine that this field would be considered for lucrative careers. After all, some of the most famous and respected sociologists are those who are non-professionals that have devoted their entire lives to studying society on their own time and dime. However, this fact is not the whole story. While the majority of sociologists may focus on academic research and less money-making careers, there are still other types of professionals who make far more money than they ever could by writing books or giving seminar talks. In fact, a few dozen of these much sought-after positions include really high salaries as compared to other occupations.

What field of sociology makes the most money?

All of them!

The field of sociology makes money in many different ways. Sociologists work in different fields and industries, including finance, marketing, politics, education, and business. They can also be found working at non-profits or universities.

The median salary for sociologists is $55,000 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). That's a decent salary but it's not surprising that most sociologists are employed full-time with benefits. Many sociologists also teach part-time or have other jobs that allow them to make money outside of their main profession.

Sociologists make a lot more money than other social scientists because they have a broad range of skills required for this profession. Most importantly, most sociologists have either a Ph.D. or MA in sociology from an accredited college or university.

Sociology is a field that is sometimes thought of as the poor cousin of economics and political science. If you are looking for money, you might be surprised to hear that it's actually the most lucrative one.

Sociology is the highest-earning field in academia. The median faculty salary for full-time sociology professors was $96,500 in 2010-11, according to data compiled by The Chronicle of Higher Education. That's more than twice as much as the median salary for all public university faculty members ($46,000).

At the same time, sociology departments have relatively high numbers of part-time instructors who teach only one or two classes per semester — often on an unpaid basis — but still earn a living wage: They make around $55,000 per year.

Of course, many sociologists also have academic jobs outside their departments; they teach at other universities or take government positions or run nonprofits. Some are professors of economics or public policy, which tend to pay better than social science jobs.


While there are many aspects of sociology to explore, the field of sociology that makes the most money is probably sociology or social work. This can include things such as conducting research or administering surveys to people in different industries or communities and then reporting their findings. But if you're wondering about legitimate career prospects with a degree in sociology instead of just a concentration, this is a good place to start.

While there are many aspects of sociology to explore, the field of sociology that makes the most money is probably sociology or social work. This can include things such as conducting research or administering surveys to people in different industries or communities and then reporting their findings. But if you're wondering about legitimate career prospects with a degree in sociology instead of just a concentration, this is a good place to start.

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